Resolution: Done
Phase 2 - Unite Consoles (ACM, OCP)
OCPSTRAT-402 - Unified Console
0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
Key Objective
Providing our customers with a single simplified User Experience(Hybrid Cloud Console)that is extensible, can run locally or in the cloud, and is capable of managing the fleet to deep diving into a single cluster.
Why customers want this?
- Single interface to accomplish their tasks
- Consistent UX and patterns
- Easily accessible: One URL, one set of credentials
Why we want this?
- Shared code - improve the velocity of both teams and most importantly ensure consistency of the experience at the code level
- Pre-built PF4 components
- Accessibility & i18n
- Remove barriers for enabling ACM
Phase 1 Goal: Get something to market (OCP 4.8, ACM 2.3)
Phase 1 —> OCP deploys ACM Hub Operator —> ACM Perspective becomes available —> User can switch between ACM multi-cluster view and local OCP Console —> No SSO user has to login in twice
Phase 2 Goal: Productization of the united Console (OCP 4.9, ACM 2.4)
- Enable user to quickly change context from fleet view to single cluster view
- Add Cluster selector with “All Cluster” Option. “All Cluster” = ACM
- Shared SSO across the fleet
- Hub OCP Console can connect to remote clusters API
- When ACM Installed the user starts from the fleet overview aka “All Clusters”
- Share UX between views
- ACM Search —> resource list across fleet -> resource details that are consistent with single cluster details view
- Add Cluster List to OCP —> Create Cluster
Phase 2 Use Cases:
- As a user, I want to be able to quickly switch context from the Fleet view(ACM) to any spoke cluster Console view all from the same web browser tab.
- ACM Hub Operator deployed to OCP—> Cluster picker become available, with “All cluster option”= ACM —> Single cluster user will get perspective picker(Admin, Dev) —> User needs the ability to quickly change context to single cluster —> All clusters should be linked via shared SSO
- As a user, I should be able to drill down into resources in the ACM view and get the OCP resource details page
- ACM Hub Operator deployed to OCP—> User Searches for pods from the ACM view("All clusters")--> Single pod is selected --> OCP pod detail page
- clones
CONSOLE-2529 Phase 2 - ACM Dynamic Plugin(POC)
- Closed
- is cloned by
CONSOLE-3052 Phase 3 - Unite Consoles (ACM, OCP)
- Dev Complete
- is related to
PD-1419 Combined "OPP" OpenShift Hybrid Console
- In Progress