Resolution: Obsolete
OCPPLAN-8041 - Console: PF4 Usability Enhancements
The goal is to visually refresh the Cluster, Project, and Node Overview dashboards to use more native PatternFly fonts/colors/styles and to apply functional updates.
Use Cases
- Details card (applies to Project Overview)
- As an Admin, I want to be able to read the description of my project.
- Events card (applies to Cluster, Project and Node Overviews)
- As an Admin, I want to be able to see a list of my events and filter by "All events" or "Warnings only."
- As an Admin, I want a smoother experience of expanding an event to view the resource and its related project.
- As an Admin, I want the footer of the events to be sticky, so I can "View all events" easily at all times without scrolling.
- As an Admin, I want to be able to view ongoing activity (when happening) as well as events.
- Utilization card
- As an Admin, I want to be able to see the thresholds related to my cluster utilization.
- As an Admin, I want the default to display worker node cluster utilization data (in Cluster and Project Overviews only) but still have the option to view master node information.
- Inventory card (applies to Cluster, Project and Node Overviews)
- As an Admin, I want a visual refresh that allows me to see the number of warnings/errors before the icon.
- Launcher card (applies to Project Overview only)
- As an Admin, I want to be able to view my ConsoleLink links.
- Resource Quotas card (applies to Project Overview only)
- As an Admin, I want to be able view my project resource quotas.
Note: a separate story was created for the status card updates - https://issues.redhat.com/browse/CONSOLE-2322
Design Summary/Acceptance Criteria
- Universal
- Applied sentence case capitalization
- Details card (applies to Project Overview)
- Added description of my project
- Events card (applies to Cluster, Project and Node Overview)
- Renamed from "Activity" card to "Events" card
- Dropdown in header allows you to sort by "All events" or "Errors only"
- Switched from accordion list to data list
- Moved resource name to top line (timestamp line)
- Added project name that owns resource
- Made footer sticky
- Updated "Ongoing activity" section
- Utilization card
- Added line legend into header to capture usage, limits and requests (applies to Cluster, Project and Node Overview)
- Added "Include masters" checkbox (only applies to Cluster and Project Overview)
- Inventory card (applies to Cluster, Project and Node Overviews)
- Switched the order of the number and status icon: the number now precedes the status icon
- Launcher card (applies to Project Overview only)
- Updated with PF styles - see spec
- Resource quotas card (applies to Project Overview only)
- Updated with PF styles - see spec
- is related to
CONSOLE-2386 Add node types filter to Cluster Utilization card
- Closed