Uploaded image for project: 'OpenShift Top Level Product Strategy'
  1. OpenShift Top Level Product Strategy
  2. OCPPLAN-8041

Console: PF4 Usability Enhancements


    • Icon: Feature Feature
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • openshift-4.6, openshift-4.8
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • console
    • 20% To Do, 0% In Progress, 80% Done

      Feature Overview
      PF4 has introduced a bevy of new components to really enhance the user experience, specifically around list views. These new components make it easier than ever for customers to find the data they care about and to take action.


      • Migrate to PF4 Components
      • Improve Search Page
        • Saved Search
      • Improve List View
        • Bulk Actions
          • delete
          • add label
          • add annotation
        • Column Management
          • Show\Hide Columns
        • Favoriting
          • Bubble favorites to the top of the list view
        • Toolbar
          • Advance Filter


      Requirement Notes isMvp?
      Improvements must be applied to all resource list view pages including the search page This is a requirement for ALL features. YES
      Search page will be the only page that needs "Saved Searches" This is a requirement for ALL features. NO
      All components updated must be PF4 supported This is a requirement for ALL features. YES

      Questions to answer...
      How will the user interact with this feature?
      Which users will use this and when will they use it?
      Is this feature used as part of the current user interface?

      Out of Scope
      <--- Remove this text when creating a Feature in Jira, only for reference --->
      # List of non-requirements or things not included in this feature
      # ...

      Background, and strategic fit
      <--- Remove this text when creating a Feature in Jira, only for reference --->
      What does the person writing code, testing, documenting need to know? What context can be provided to frame this feature.

      <--- Remove this text when creating a Feature in Jira, only for reference --->
      * Are there assumptions being made regarding prerequisites and dependencies?
      * Are there assumptions about hardware, software or people resources?
      * ...

      Customer Considerations
      <--- Remove this text when creating a Feature in Jira, only for reference --->
      * Are there specific customer environments that need to be considered (such as working with existing h/w and software)?

      Documentation Considerations
      <--- Remove this text when creating a Feature in Jira, only for reference --->
      Questions to be addressed:
      * What educational or reference material (docs) is required to support this product feature? For users/admins? Other functions (security officers, etc)?
      * Does this feature have doc impact?
      * New Content, Updates to existing content, Release Note, or No Doc Impact
      * If unsure and no Technical Writer is available, please contact Content Strategy.
      * What concepts do customers need to understand to be successful in [action]?
      * How do we expect customers will use the feature? For what purpose(s)?
      * What reference material might a customer want/need to complete [action]?
      * Is there source material that can be used as reference for the Technical Writer in writing the content? If yes, please link if available.
      * What is the doc impact (New Content, Updates to existing content, or Release Note)?

            amobrem Ali Mobrem
            amobrem Ali Mobrem
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            1 Start watching this issue
