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  1. OpenShift Virtualization
  2. CNV-54997

Documentation: Importing OVA files


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • None
    • CNV Documentation
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    • 5
    • False
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    • False
    • None
    • CNV-46403 - Support 3rd party templates and virtual appliances
    • ---
    • ---
    • Yes
    • None

      Open Virtual Format (OVF) open standard that contains multiple files in a package.  Use to export VMs as a package. This file can be compressed to optimize downloads.

      Open Virtual Appliance (OVA) - single file. The epic focuses on OVAs with a single disk and single NIC.

      Importing includes:

      • The disk image, including removal of any VMware tools and drivers and adding things that are required for OpenShift Virtualization such as the guest agent and virtio drivers
      • The VM definition including OS type, size (CPU and memory), and workload type, and mapping those properties to OpenShift Virtualization definitions for optimal workload performance

      User stories:

      • As a user I would like to import an OVA file that is located on my computer or on a website into OpenShift Virtualization 
      • As a user, I would like to be able to create multiple VM instances from the imported file
      • As a user I would like to easily find all imported OVA
      • As a user I would like the VMs that I'm creating from the imported OVA to run at optimal performance


              Unassigned Unassigned
              ctomasko Catherine Tomasko
              Guohua Ouyang Guohua Ouyang
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              1 Start watching this issue
