• cnv-virtctl-ownership
    • 77
    • Hide
      • All virtctl related e2e tests are located within tests/virtctl
      • virtctl is not used in e2e tests to test API endpoints (test them with the client instead)
      • Code in pkg/virtctl meets the criteria defined in the upstream coding conventions
      • Code in pkg/virtctl is covered by unit tests as best as possible
      • Code in pkg/virtctl has no dependencies on tests/virtctl
      • Code in cmd/virtctl, pkg/virtctl and tests/virtctl passes linters
      All virtctl related e2e tests are located within tests/virtctl virtctl is not used in e2e tests to test API endpoints (test them with the client instead) Code in pkg/virtctl meets the criteria defined in the upstream coding conventions Code in pkg/virtctl is covered by unit tests as best as possible Code in pkg/virtctl has no dependencies on tests/virtctl Code in cmd/virtctl, pkg/virtctl and tests/virtctl passes linters
    • To Do
    • CNV-38613 - 2024 Code Quality
    • CNV-386132024 Code Quality
    • 53% To Do, 14% In Progress, 33% Done
    • dev-ready, doc-ready, po-ready, qe-ready, ux-ready
    • No


      The kubevirt/kubevirt code base would benefit from having owners of dedicated areas.

      User Stories

      • As a developer I want a clean code struct, so that it is a joy to add new feature and to fix bugs.
      • As a developer I want all functional tests to pass without flakes, so that the build would pass all gates, so that upstream CI is reliable passing and the downstream builds are delivered to stakeholders without delay.


      • Functional or UX improvements are nice to have.


      • Any additional details or decisions made/needed

            fmatousc@redhat.com Felix Matouschek
            unassigned_jira unassigned (Inactive)
            Geetika Kapoor Geetika Kapoor
            1 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
