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  1. OpenShift Virtualization
  2. CNV-28099

Gate CNV nightlies with basic hypershift/kubevirt create/destroy cluster test


    • None

      Hypershift development is testing using the CNV nightlies and it's important CNV stays stable for the hypershift/kubevirt use case. Otherwise development of Hypershift is blocked if we release a CNV nightly that breaks hypershift.


      To ensure the CNV nightlies do not break hypershift, it would be nice to have some basic validation that we're able to create guest clusters using the latest stable hypershift using the CNV build that is a candidate to be promoted to the latest nightly.

              dkeler@redhat.com Daniel Keler
              rhn-engineering-dvossel David Vossel
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
