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  1. OpenShift Virtualization
  2. CNV-26638

Upstream: Move deployment of common-instancetypes from ssp-operator to virt-operator


    • virt-operator-deploy-common-templates
    • False
    • Hide


    • False
    • Hide
      • For new deployments, the deployment of the cluster-wide common-instancetypes resources should be done by virt-operator
      • For upgraded deployments, to have virt-operator claim ownership of any existing cluster-wide common-instancetypes resources deployed by the SSP operator and upgrade.
      • Downstream Test: Regression Test, Feature Gate enable/disable test and post upgrade test. 
      For new deployments, the deployment of the cluster-wide  common-instancetypes resources should be done by virt-operator For upgraded deployments, to have  virt-operator  claim ownership of any existing cluster-wide  common-instancetypes resources deployed by the SSP operator and upgrade. Downstream Test: Regression Test, Feature Gate enable/disable test and post upgrade test. 
    • Green
    • To Do
    • CNV-25728 - GA and Instance Types by default
    • CNV-25728GA and Instance Types by default
    • 0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
    • dev-ready, doc-ready, po-ready, ux-ready
    • Hide

      upstream HCO test automation postponed...

      upstream HCO test automation postponed...
    • ---
    • ---


      Move deployment of common-instancetypes resources from the SSP operator to the virt operator within kubevirt/kubevirt.

      Fresh upstream and downstream deployments without the SSP operator present should deploy the cluster wide resources from common-instancetypes using the virt-operator.

      Upgraded downstream and upstream environments move over to virt-operator defined and controlled cluster wide common-instancetypes resources.

      The ultimate goal of this work is to increase the visibility of instance types and preferences in deployments without SSP operator, hopefully providing more feedback in the medium term.

      User Stories

      1. As a VM/Cluster owner I  should no longer require the SSP operator to be deployed in order to have common-instancetype resources deployed in my environment.




            rhn-support-lyarwood Lee Yarwood
            rhn-support-lyarwood Lee Yarwood
            Dominik Holler
            Roni Kishner Roni Kishner
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
