After the customer changed the tech preview version to a stable version(1.10.2), the list of certificate is not show anything.
Even creating a new Certificate is not show any Certificate Resources, image below:
from command line:
$ oc get Certificate -A NAMESPACE NAME READY SECRET AGE devops ac-webapi-cert True tls-ac-webapi-cert 7m53s devops app01-apicertificado-dev-cert True tls-app01-apicertificado-cert 2d21h devops app01-dev-cert True tls-app01-cert 2d21h devops app01-devarea-dev-cert True tls-app01-devarea-cert 2d21h devops app01-html-dev-cert True tls-app01-html-cert 2d21h devops app01-jobs-dev-cert True tls-app01-jobs-cert 2d21h devops app01-motorpdf-dev-cert True tls-app01-motorpdf-cert 2d21h devops app01-webapi-dev-cert True tls-app01-webapi-cert 2d21h devops tls-app01-processjobs-dev-cert True tls-app01-processjobs-cert 2d21h devops tls-company-notificacoes True tls-company-notificacoes-cert 2d20h sbx-teste-daniel acme-app0237-staging True tls2-app0237-sbx 4d
Is this correct?
- is blocked by
OCPBUGS-23406 RH Cert Manager Operator - Scope concern
- Closed
- is related to
OCPBUGS-23406 RH Cert Manager Operator - Scope concern
- Closed
- relates to
OCPBUGS-16293 Operator details section not showing created CRs
- Closed