Resolution: Unresolved
in order for us to sign the binaries we generated in CFE-94, we must have an errata that will ensure we got all the approvals for the release of the tool.
Example of an errata release for ODO: https://errata.devel.redhat.com/advisory/58653
You can read more here. below is just shamelessly stolen: https://gitlab.cee.redhat.com/openshiftdo/release/-/tree/master/manual-release
The errata must include the following information:
- Product: OpenShift Developer Tools and Services (OCP-Tools)
- Release: OCP Tools 4.10(.z)
- Type: Usually a Red Hat Enhancement Advisory. If it's a security fix / bug fix, indiciate it like so.
- Package manager: You
- Manager Contact: pweil@redhat.com
- QA Owner: arnaik@redhat.com / pmali@redhat.com
- Documentation Reviewer: snarayan@redhat.com
- Synopsis: Red Hat must-gather-clean CLI binaries X.X.X release
- Keywords: This isIf it doesn't have a Bugzilla issue, open one! optional, no need to fill it out
- Topic: Updated must-gather-clean binary is now available.
- Bugs or JIRA Issues Fixed: Link to ALL issues that are going to be fixed in the release. If it doesn't have a Bugzilla issue, open one! All bugs added must be by their ID number, NOT the full URL. All must be set to either MODIFIED or VERIFIED. The hacky way of fixing this is by "closing" the issue and then re-opening it with the MODIFIED label.
- Description: Must include a product description (a brief summary of the must-gather-clean CLI)
- References: Ideally, include a link to our current installation instructions in our README.
-> press preview + save
Then add the brew builds from CFE-94 into the builds tab (link from the confirmation email).
- write, save and submit the errata with the above content
- tjungblu@redhat.com will take it from there in the programs call to get it officially released with docs + qe signoff.
- is caused by
CFE-36 R&D: Release Process
- Closed