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  1. OpenShift CFE
  2. CFE-346

Update openshift/api package version in cluster-config-operator


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    • Resolution: Done
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    • False
    • OCPPLAN-8154 - Apply user defined tags to all resources created by OpenShift (AWS)
    • CFE Sprint 217

      cluster-config-operator makes Infrastructure CRD available for installer, which is included in it's container image from the openshift/api package and requires the package to be updated to have latest CRD.

      RFE-2012 wants to make the resource tagging feature GA which means the tags should be modifiable. User should be able to update userTags in the Infrastructure resource which requires resourceTags to be made available in platformSpec.aws which will be done as part of CFE-177. platformSpec.aws.resourceTags introduced should be updated with user provided tags by installer when generating the Infrastructure CR manifest.

      Acceptance Criteria:

      • e2e test to check platformSpec.aws.resourceTags in Infrastructure CR has user provided tags and is modifiable, which will be done as part of e2e tests story CFE-179

            swghosh@redhat.com Swarup Ghosh
            bhb@redhat.com Bharath B
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