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  1. OpenShift CFE
  2. CFE-1096

[operator-sdk] Rebase to latest, stabilization of operator-sdk and plugins and release


    • [operator-sdk] Rebase and stabilization
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Not Selected
    • In Progress
    • 0% To Do, 18% In Progress, 82% Done
    • M

      This epic covers updating to the latest 1.35.0 version of operator-sdk and its plugins (ansible, helm) and release stabilized version.


      1. The version being selected is latest from upstream, there might be minor versions release upstream with bug fixes which will not rebased for operator-sdk.


      1. Rebase to operator-sdk 1.35.0 and update plugins.
      2. Apply downstream patches.
      3. Resolve critical and moderate CVEs and fix bugs.
      4. Verify functionality with E2E tests.
      5. Build and ship release images.{}
      6. Update documentation for operator-sdk.
      7. Update documentation of product support lifecycle.
      8. Documentation of repositories and release process.

      Acceptance criteria

      1. Successful completion of objectives listed in epic.
      2. Successful completion of dependent user stories/epics linked in the epic.

      Target Release Version

      Openshift 4.17


            rh-ee-arsen Arkadeep Sen
            tgeer@redhat.com Trilok Geer
            Chirag Kyal
            Keenon Lee Keenon Lee
            0 Vote for this issue
            7 Start watching this issue
