Resolution: Done
BU Product Work
OCPSTRAT-475 - Enable sharing ConfigMaps and Secrets across namespaces [Tech Preview]
The Shared Resource CSI Driver requires OpenShift clusters to have the `TechPreviewNoUpgrade` feature set enabled.
Sprint 205, Sprint 207
User Story
As a cluster admin
I want to enable the shared resource CSI driver via a feature gate
So that I can enable the CSI driver on a tech preview basis
Acceptance Criteria
- The feature gate for the shared resource CSI driver (CSIDriverSharedResource) can be turned on by using the TechPreviewNoUpgrade feature set.
- Feature gate name is accepted to the list of tech preview features.
Docs Impact
No direct impact - docs related to this will be addressed in BUILD-284
Feature gates are enabled at the cluster level through the FeatureGate API object.
Feature gates and their associated feature sets are declared in openshift/api here: https://github.com/openshift/api/blob/master/config/v1/types_feature.go#L107-L132.
TechPreviewNoUpgrade is a pre-defined feature set that turns on all tech preview features in the cluster. Adding a feature gate to a feature set requires API review.
Once a feature gate is added to a feature set, library-go needs a vendor bump of openshift/api to pick up the new feature gate -> feature set mapping.
- blocks
BUILD-284 Integrate Shared Resources Operator with Cluster Storage Operator
- Closed
- links to