Resolution: Done
BU Product Work
OCPSTRAT-475 - Enable sharing ConfigMaps and Secrets across namespaces [Tech Preview]
Sprint 209, Sprint 210, Sprint 211, Sprint 213
User Story
As an application developer using OpenShift
I want to verify the projected resource CSI driver shares work on OpenShift
So that I am confident that I can use the shared resources in any workload.
Acceptance Criteria
- Ensure that the Shared Resource CSI driver is installed on a cluster
- Ensure that the Shared Resource CSI driver shares (SharedSecret, SharedConfigMap) work as expected
Ensure that we can use a projected resource share in Builds if builds support CSI volume mounts\- CI tests run on a tech preview cluster with no additional deployment steps (i.e. operator and driver are installed by the cluster storage operator).
Docs Impact
QE Impact
QE should verify the shared resource CSI driver works as expected on a tech preview cluster.
QE may contribute functional/BDD tests in-tree - these can go into https://github.com/openshift/csi-driver-shared-resource so they can be run within the OpenShift CI.
Test cases will be written in Polarion and reviewed by Engineering.
PX Imact
For tech preview, we need an e2e test that deploys a cluster and - out of the box - verifies the driver works as expected.
These tests only need to run on relevant repositories (operator, csi driver, cluster-storage-operator).
We already have e2e test suites that verify the behavior of the CSI driver and shares.
The tests currently deploy the driver without a cluster operator on a cluster.
These test step definitions in openshift/release need to be modified to launch a tech preview OpenShift cluster instead.
It is possible that bugs will be uncovered as we remove our manual deploy scripts and rely on the automatic provisioning from the cluster-storage-operator.
When the driver is marked GA, these tests will need to be migrated to the OpenShift conformance suite.
- is blocked by
BUILD-284 Integrate Shared Resources Operator with Cluster Storage Operator
- Closed
- links to