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  1. AMQ Documentation
  2. AMQDOC-2892 General notes from minimalism workshop
  3. AMQDOC-2899

Minimalism workshop notes on last section of Introducing AMQ


      Excerpt from minimalism workshop notes [1].

      • * Section 3 describes options but does not include tasks (Central Broker vs. Setting Up a Central Broker) - writers picked up this structure from the devs on the team
      • Section 3 includes the information about advantages/disadvantages of each deployment pattern - could be improved by adding structure to make that information easier to find - use a structure that sets expectations for the reader so she can scan through to find the material that matters most to her
      • Make sure descriptions in Section 3 include why a user would choose one deployment pattern over another, and links to implementation guides.
      • Consider rewriting instances where the combination ‘AMQP protocol’ is used, to avoid using the word ‘protocol’ adjacent to the concept of ‘Advanced Message Queuing Protocol’. +1


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            rhn-support-pfestoso_jira Phil Festoso (Inactive)
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