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  1. Agent-based Installer for OpenShift
  2. AGENT-723

Use json.Marshal to correctly handle unmarshalling of vSphere Username


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    • Resolution: Done
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    • Sprint 244

      The json attribute name is named "user", but because the yaml.Marshal function is used, it fails to interpret that "user" defined in json is meant to represent the vSphere.vcenters.Username.

      The fix is to change yaml.Marshal to json.Marshal in internal/installconfig/builder GetInstallConfig.

      time="2023-09-25T21:29:07Z" level=error msg="error running openshift-install create manifests, stdout: level=warning msg=failed to parse first occurrence of unknown field: failed to unmarshal install-config.yaml: error unmarshaling JSON: while decoding JSON: json: unknown field \"username\"\nlevel=info msg=Attempting to unmarshal while ignoring unknown keys because strict unmarshaling failed\nlevel=error msg=failed to fetch Master Machines: failed to load asset \"Install Config\": failed to create install config: invalid \"install-config.yaml\" file: [platform.vsphere.vcenters.username: Required value: must specify the username, platform.vsphere.failureDomains.server: Invalid value: \"vcenterplaceholder\": server does not exist in vcenters]\n" func="github.com/openshift/assisted-service/internal/ignition.(*installerGenerator).runCreateCommand" file="/src/internal/ignition/ignition.go:1688" cluster_id=aad05e8e-a9fe-4f60-b580-0b2f6c4fdf10 error="exit status 3" go-id=1569 request_id=
      time="2023-09-25T21:29:07Z" level=error msg="failed generating install config for cluster aad05e8e-a9fe-4f60-b580-0b2f6c4fdf10" func="github.com/openshift/assisted-service/internal/bminventory.(*bareMetalInventory).generateClusterInstallConfig" file="/src/internal/bminventory/inventory.go:1755" cluster_id=aad05e8e-a9fe-4f60-b580-0b2f6c4fdf10 error="error running openshift-install manifests,  level=warning msg=failed to parse first occurrence of unknown field: failed to unmarshal install-config.yaml: error unmarshaling JSON: while decoding JSON: json: unknown field \"username\"\nlevel=info msg=Attempting to unmarshal while ignoring unknown keys because strict unmarshaling failed\nlevel=error msg=failed to fetch Master Machines: failed to load asset \"Install Config\": failed to create install config: invalid \"install-config.yaml\" file: [platform.vsphere.vcenters.username: Required value: m <TRUNCATED>: exit status 3" go-id=1569 pkg=Inventory request_id=

            rwsu1@redhat.com Richard Su
            rwsu1@redhat.com Richard Su
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