Resolution: Done
The operator needs to monitor/watch all namespace with some label/tag in order to do actions
To attend the definition "operators to call the endpoint to create the app on bind/unbind." will watch all namespaces and filter by the MDC criteria every time and for each project/namespace returned it will check if the namespace has the label/MSS criteria(I mean if the project is bind or not to the MSS).
- IF YES: "call the endpoint to create the app on bind" (If the app is not already created the Service will create it)
- IF NOT: "call the endpoint to unbind the app" (If the app exist in the Service it means that should be disabled)
Note that according to the definition in the RHMI doc all customer/dev apps will be in the same namespace.
- To do the binding/unbinding of apps
- Check the documentation over how the MDC will work in OCP4 and with the operators: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KwE5rVfj9L2gnzNGL1TTYVvoyNgBw61XIiN3eCNg1b4/edit
- Definitions and ML discussion: http://post-office.corp.redhat.com/archives/mobile-customer-success/2019-March/msg00052.html
- Check the @wei-li comment in the card to get a full/delated explanation: https://trello.com/c/ExZqTlJ6/12-mss-consumption-cr-as-a-developer-i-want-to-be-able-to-specify-necessary-info-through-a-cr-such-that-i-can-associate-my-mobile
- blocks
AEROGEAR-8966 Impl test to cover APP CR/CRD
- Closed