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  1. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management
  2. ACM-4872

Policy dependency E2E test is flaky


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • None
    • ACM 2.8.0
    • GRC
    • None
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • GRC Sprint 2023-06
    • No

      I attempted to address the poilicy ordering failure with an additional check in the E2E, but that PR also failed with the same flake, so it needs additional investigation since it could be a code bug:

      • [FAILED] [32.218 seconds]
      GRC: [P1][Sev1][policy-grc] Test policy ordering
        Ordering via a dependency on a Policy
          [It] Should become pending again when the initial policy is deleted
          /home/runner/work/governance-policy-framework/governance-policy-framework/framework/test/policy_ordering.go:80  Begin Captured GinkgoWriter Output >>
          STEP: Deleting ../resources/policy_ordering/dep-policy-initial.yaml 04/10/23 19:58:26.307
          STEP: Checking policy-test.dep-policy-initial was removed from managed cluster in ns managed 04/10/23 19:58:26.443
          STEP: Checking that the policy template policy.open-cluster-management.io/v1, Resource=configurationpolicies/dep-policy-initial was removed from the managed cluster 04/10/23 19:58:26.449
          STEP: Checking if the status of root policy dep-policy-deppol is Pending 04/10/23 19:58:27.46
          STEP: Cleaning up 04/10/23 19:58:57.461
          STEP: Deleting ../resources/policy_ordering/dep-policy-initial.yaml 04/10/23 19:58:57.461
          STEP: Checking policy-test.dep-policy-initial was removed from managed cluster in ns managed 04/10/23 19:58:57.554
          STEP: Deleting ../resources/policy_ordering/dep-policy-deppol.yaml 04/10/23 19:58:57.556
          STEP: Checking policy-test.dep-policy-deppol was removed from managed cluster in ns managed 04/10/23 19:58:57.664
          STEP: Deleting ../resources/policy_ordering/dep-policy-extradepconfig.yaml 04/10/23 19:58:57.666
          STEP: Checking policy-test.dep-policy-extradepconfig was removed from managed cluster in ns managed 04/10/23 19:58:57.759
          STEP: Deleting ../resources/policy_ordering/dep-policy-ignorepending.yaml 04/10/23 19:58:57.761
          STEP: Checking policy-test.dep-policy-ignorepending was removed from managed cluster in ns managed 04/10/23 19:58:57.87
          STEP: Deleting ../resources/policy_ordering/dep-policy-dep-on-plcset.yaml 04/10/23 19:58:57.872
          STEP: Checking policy-test.dep-policy-dep-on-plcset was removed from managed cluster in ns managed 04/10/23 19:58:57.971
        << End Captured GinkgoWriter Output  Timed out after 30.001s.
            <v1.ComplianceState>: NonCompliant
        to equal
            <v1.ComplianceState>: Pending
        In [It] at: /home/runner/work/governance-policy-framework/governance-policy-framework/framework/test/policy_ordering.go:82 

      Attempted E2E fix:

            jkulikau@redhat.com Justin Kulikauskas
            dhaiduce Dale Haiducek
            Derek Ho Derek Ho
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
