Resolution: Done
Artifacts to enable ROSA-HCP provisioning in MCE
0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
2024-09-11: Commited to DevPreview, referencing downstream images using Helm charts from github.com/openshift/cluster-api-operator. This will coincide with the MCE release, but is not included in the bundle MCE 2.7.0. Bundling inclusion will be MCE 2.8.0.
2024-09-10: Decide on versioning strategy with OCP Install CAPI and HyperShift
2024-08-12: Having a discussion in #forum-capi-ocp on delivery mechanism
2024-08-08: Community meeting discussion on delivery of ROSA-HCP & Sylva Cluster-api-provider-metal3
2024-08-22: F2F meetings, inception of this EPIC
Epic Goal
Include minimum CAPI components in ACM for the supported ROSA-HCP.
- CRD's RosaCluster RosaMachine... plus any needed CAPI shared CRD's
- Controllers
- Make sure these are NOT shipped with OCP.
- MCH needs to detect if present and block/fail enabling (we should just always apply in the TP, since it will not be active by default
Why is this important?
MCE 2.7.0 enables ROSA-HCP provisioning support, along with OCP starting to use CAPI
I deploy MCE, and should be able to deploy a ROSA-HCP cluster, with correct credentials and information about the cluster.
Acceptance Criteria
ROSA-HCP Cluster API for AWS support in MCE 2.7.0
Dependencies (internal and external)
- OCP 4.17 does not include the CRD or controllers
Previous Work (Optional):
- OCP TP for Cluster API for AWS includes the CRD's and operator
Open questions:
- Confirmation from OCP joelspeed that we agree on both CRDs and controllers
- Just CRD's
Done Checklist
- CI - CI is running, tests are automated and merged.
- Release Enablement
- Konflux
- DEV - Upstream code and tests merged:
- DEV - Upstream documentation merged:
- DEV - Downstream code built via konflux or CPAAS
QE - Test plans in Polarion:QE - Automated tests merged:DOC - Doc issue opened with a completed template. Separate doc issue
opened for any deprecation, removal, or any current known
issue/troubleshooting removal from the doc, if applicable.FIPs ReadyInfra-node deployment selector supportMust GatherGlobal Proxy support