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  1. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management
  2. ACM-1169

Deliver an ACM dashboard overview that conveys the overall status and health of all the ACM components


    • False
    • False
    • 33% To Do, 0% In Progress, 67% Done

      As an administrator of ACM, I need to know how performant I am across all pillar areas.

      I need to know for example:

      • What are the rate of application deployments and are they successfully reaching their target clusters within a defined criteria (seconds, minutes, % success)
      • What are the success rates of SNO clusters being built per hour
      • How quickly are cluster compliances being remediated such that the new configuration is in place and available for SecOps auditors
      • Is my Networking throughput across the Submariner VPN tunnel a bottleneck to my CockroachDB being used for regional DR?
      • A stream of events in the system for various kubernetes actions, like pods in CLBO, Deployments that are routinely flagging.
      • Alerts from all components should be routed to AlertManager for 3rd party tooling.
      • Stretch goal: The growing cost of my cloud spend due to over built clusters that are very under utilized.

      How to do this?

      1. we need all ACM components to be instrumented to produce metrics and properly emit them into the platform prometheus.
      2. from those metrics we need to gather the most critical ones into a dashboard view and show that WITHIN ACM (not a launch-out).
      3. provide the ability to drill into the metrics to see better details about the system, down to a namespace, deployment, pod, container level.



              sberens@redhat.com Scott Berens
              sberens@redhat.com Scott Berens
              Joydeep Banerjee Joydeep Banerjee
              Joy Jean Joy Jean
              Randy George Randy George
              Christian Stark Christian Stark
              Christine Rizzo Christine Rizzo
              1 Vote for this issue
              12 Start watching this issue
