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  1. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management
  2. ACM-10706

Ensure ACM Obs in managed cluster can talk to hub through vip/reverse proxy/lb


    • RHOBS Sprint 20, MCO Sprint 20, MCO Sprint 21, MCO Sprint 24
    • No

      The proposed solution for this problem is to use the `AddOnDeploymentConfig`'s customized variables to allow a custom base URL for the Observatorium API and Alertmanager Routes to be passed all the way down to the metrics-collector/managed cluster.

      We will need to test whether a SAN has to be added to the server (obs api) certificate with the FQDN of the intermediate component.

      Ensure updates in the base URL are gracefully handled. 

      Note: we cannot support TLS termination because the metrics-collector uses MTLS to authenticate with the Observatorium API.

            rh-ee-doolivei Douglas Camata
            rh-ee-doolivei Douglas Camata
            Xiang Yin Xiang Yin
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