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  1. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management
  2. ACM-10695

[2.9] Policy reports with "No status" on a single cluster


    • 2
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • GRC Sprint 2024-05, GRC Sprint 2024-06
    • Moderate
    • No
    • Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes

      Description of problem:

      Customer is reporting that for a single cluster, some policies are showing as "No status" in the RHACM UI (Screenshots available here: https://redhat-internal.slack.com/archives/CU4QXLPQB/p1710498127974269?thread_ts=1710498108.008349&cid=CU4QXLPQB).

      The Policies are not showing any "COMPLIANCE STATUS" on the command line either:

      oc get policies -n example-cluster-prod
      NAME                                                  REMEDIATION ACTION   COMPLIANCE STATE   AGE
      policies-cd.example-cluster-definition-namespace          enforce                                 2d22h
      policies-cd.example-cluster-definition         enforce              Compliant          16h
      policies-cm.cluster-admins-policy                     enforce                                 2d22h

      When reviewing the object, the "compliant" field in the status is missing:

        - templateMeta:
            creationTimestamp: null
            name: example-cluster-definition-namespace 

      However ConfigurationPolicies all have a compliancy state. We reviewed the following logs and were unable to find any error related to this issue:

      • The Policy on the hub, in the managed cluster namespace.
      • The Policy on the managed cluster.
      • The ConfigurationPolicy(s) on the managed cluster.

      Workaround was to change the policies in some way to convince it to send a new event. For example, customer could change the severity field - once they did that, the Policy showed as "Compliant" as expected.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      RHACM 2.8.5 (advanced-cluster-management.v2.8.5)

      OpenShift Container Platform 4.12.45

      How reproducible:

      Only on customer side

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Create policies for multiple clusters
      2. Wait for some time

      Actual results:

      Some Policies are showing up as "No status".

      Expected results:

      All Policies report a status.

      Additional info:

            mprahl Matthew Prahl
            rhn-support-skrenger Simon Krenger
            Derek Ho Derek Ho
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
