Uploaded image for project: 'Automation Hub'
  1. Automation Hub
  2. AAH-1989

Container Signing must allow the specification of tags_list

    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • None
    • 2.3
    • aap-ui, hub, UI
    • 5
    • True
    • Show
    • False
      • It is possible to sign specific tags without signing all tags
      • UI indicated if a specific tag has been signed
      • Tests cover changes

      Problem Description
      Right now when clicking the `sign` button on the EE UI, it signs all the tags on the image, if there are 10 tags, it will create 10 signatures for each tag 

      In a huge repo it will take some time.

      Proposed Solution:

      UI have to pass `tags_list` parameter to the `/sign` endpoint and feed that based on user selection from a checkbox listing all the tags. 

      Pulp container API exposes the tags for an image

      Add some feedback in the UI that indicates whether a specific tag has been signed. We will need to verify with API team if we have an endpoint that will fetch this information.


      • Set the affected Component(s): Backend, Infrastructure, Pulp, QE, Security, UI
      • Apply labels "crc-automation-hub" and/or "private-automation-hub" to indicate if the issue is for Cloud Automation Hub, Private Automation Hub, or both

            Unassigned Unassigned
            rochacbruno@redhat.com Bruno Rocha
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