Resolution: Done
Problem Description:
- Users in insights mode for c.rh.c could gain benefits from accessing the task management page for their tasks
- We should minimize when possible the differences between standalone and insights modes
Proposed Solution:
- Allow the _ui/v1 task api to be accessible in insights mode
- Any UI updates needed to allow access to the task management page
- TBD if want to add a UI link to tasks, or have users know/bookmark the link
After this solution, it may be beneficial to create a ~"application admin" group so some RH users can see all tasks in system (may need a pulpcore change to see all tasks). After AAH-1274 we can see if this is still beneficial or if that issue gives RH sufficient troubleshooting tools.
- relates to
AAH-1874 Promote left nav "Task Management" link
- Closed