Now that 4.4.1 RPMs have been created, we need to do some regression testing of them.
This will involve:
1. deploying a Hub using the new YOHO job
2. running the tests against the newly deployed Hub (can use the Automation Hub Docker Test job to run against the newly deployed Hub.)
3. locally, run the UI tests against the remote Hub.
- skipping; the UI tests are currently broken in a minor way against a Hub that doesn't have working TLS certificates. Something to fix down the line (captured in AAH-1273.)
4. deploy an openshift cluster using the new jenkins job that Julen shared
5. run the tests against the openshift environment (see if we can use the same Automation Hub Docker Test job.)
6. Run the tests against a Hub 4.4.1 instance in Azure.
- waiting on an actual Hub 4.4.1 instance at the moment. Once it's done should be straightforward to rerun this job: but replace the URL and password with those of the new instance.