Pre-requisites and process:
- Deploy stage backend automatically on commit to galaxy_ng
- Deploy stage backend automatically on commit to automation-hub-deploy
- Discuss: add full devshift pr-check from galaxy_ng into this repo? (if so add a Jira issue), or maybe have galaxy_ng devshift pr-check use master branch of automation-hub-deploy. Explore options to programmatically update deploy-clowder.yml
- Deploy stage frontend automatically on commit to ansible-hub-ui
- Confirm we want frontend/backend deployments to stage (and eventually prod) to be decoulped from one another, if so we need a devshift pr-check to run full stack in this repo using master on the backend repos
- Explore options to automate frontend deploys
- Pre-prod deploy validation beyond regression tests, process:
- Pause stage deploys
- QE does 1 day of remaining manual validation on stage, then gives green light
- Schedule prod deploy 1 day after green light
- 48hr after prod deploy has no issues, resume automatic stage deploys
- blocks
AAH-1225 Phase 3: Able to deploy Hub prod daily
- Closed
- duplicates
AAH-1952 Move away from manual QE signoff for CRC deploys
- Closed
- is blocked by
AAH-1223 Phase 1: Able to deploy Hub prod monthly
- Closed
- relates to
AAH-1075 Production pipeline - main feature outage check in production for cloud solution
- Closed
Obsolete due to