Resolution: Done
4.5.0a Sprint 5, 4.5.0 Sprint 6, 4.5.0 Sprint 7
problem statement: Execution environments options do not match between list and detail screens:
- ee list has Edit, Sync, Use, Delete
- ee detail has Edit, Sync, Use (no Delete)
notes from 11/3 check in w/ UX:
- The readme needs to be wrapped in a card (white background), including the Edit button floating on the right side
- the same goes for the "no readme, add one" screen, and while editing the readme. (already fixed in https://issues.redhat.com/browse/AAH-1113).
acceptance criteria:
- EE list and detail have the same actions
- ReadMe is added into a larger card
- make ReadMe background white
- split from
AAH-1025 Collections - Ensure feature parity between list/detail screens
- Closed