- [RESTEASY-2287] - Add complete tests for different optional parameter types
Feature Request
- [RESTEASY-1419] - Add support for injecting Optional<T> parameter types
- [RESTEASY-2085] - index.html (welcome-file in web.xml) is broken on Tomcat
- [RESTEASY-2179] - Tests failing when using the security manager
- [RESTEASY-2244] - @Produces not picked up well
- [RESTEASY-2279] - json-patch pulls in vulnerable guava
- [RESTEASY-2311] - Sping testsuite tests fail when run using security manager
- [RESTEASY-2315] - ResteasyCdiExtension is adding CDI scopes to classes that should not be CDI beans, Part II
- [RESTEASY-2317] - Wrong groupId for resteasy-bom
- [RESTEASY-2331] - Refactor hardcoded servlet dependencies
- [RESTEASY-2332] - Add documentation for optional typed parameters
Component Upgrade
- [RESTEASY-2318] - Upgrade jackson-databinding to
- [RESTEASY-2323] - Upgrade Undertow to 2.0.23.Final
- [RESTEASY-2325] - Request for request timeout for Reactor Netty HttpClient
- [RESTEASY-2328] - Reduce memory pressure caused by map copying for client configuration
- [RESTEASY-2329] - Remove unnecessary array copy and resizing for headers
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