Feature Request
- [RESTEASY-881] - jackson-jaxrs-base-VERSION.jar missing from WildFly modules
- [RESTEASY-916] - Return validation violation reports in JAXB / JSON format
- [RESTEASY-930] - setProxy on clientbuilder api
- [RESTEASY-931] - Netty4 + async
- [RESTEASY-932] - ServletContainerInitializer support
- [RESTEASY-933] - JOSE JWE Support
- [RESTEASY-939] - Generic type can be incorrect with ExceptionMapper
- [RESTEASY-662] - RestEasy and XXE injection - Services that accept XML are vulnerable to XXE attacks, Part II
- [RESTEASY-669] - RestEasy and XXE injection - Services that accept XML are vulnerable to XXE attacks, Part III: Fastinfoset
- [RESTEASY-670] - RestEasy and XXE injection - Services that accept XML are vulnerable to XXE attacks, Part IV: Jettison
- [RESTEASY-699] - RESTEasy: Returns HTTP Code 406 instead 400 for MIME-type '/*'
- [RESTEASY-839] - SerializableProvider should use Media.isCompatible
- [RESTEASY-869] - RestEasy bypass JAXP secured processing feature when XXE is disabled
- [RESTEASY-913] - Null pointer exception in GeneralValidatorImpl
- [RESTEASY-934] - Link.JaxbLink can't be unmarshalled
- [RESTEASY-936] - Resteasy fails to match class level wildcard resources correctly
- [RESTEASY-937] - Method that returns a list of object throw com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException: Incompatible types: declared root type exception
- [RESTEASY-941] - Root resource not found
- [RESTEASY-935] - Update Wildfly with 3.0.4
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