Release Notes - Kogito - Version Kogito Tooling 0.23.0 - HTML format

Feature Request

  • [KOGITO-7125] - QE serverless logic - examples verification


  • [KOGITO-7802] - Stunner as default for Serverless Workflow Visualization


  • [KOGITO-2727] - DMN.NEW cannot open this file, BC can
  • [KOGITO-7372] - Source/Target of data assignments shows malformed data when specific generics are used
  • [KOGITO-7591] - [SWF Editor] is adding extra "end": false to eventConditions fields even when transition is set
  • [KOGITO-7608] - [SWF Editor] si removing "schedule" from "start" object and makes is a string
  • [KOGITO-7609] - [SWf Editor] is changing transition object to string
  • [KOGITO-7648] - KIE Tools - Integration tests intermittent faillure


  • [KOGITO-7663] - Fix inconsistency in filename template description and default value in swf vscode-extension
  • [KOGITO-7738] - Test Sandbox for Serverless Workflow and Dashbuilder
  • [KOGITO-7893] - Stunner should now be the default workflow viewer


  • [KOGITO-7797] - [DMN Designer] Improving "Import Java Classes" button's tooltip message
  • [KOGITO-7877] - Migrate Cypress tests to version 10

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