Release Notes - Kogito - Version 1.11.0.Final - HTML format


  • [KOGITO-5635] - Native testing of Runtimes/OP/Apps/Examples against Mandrel
  • [KOGITO-5636] - BDD & Build examples images deploy jobs to support native build against Mandrel
  • [KOGITO-5637] - Run nightly BDD & Build examples images against Mandrel

Feature Request

  • [KOGITO-1082] - Add support for error handling constructs
  • [KOGITO-5424] - Add support to K_CE_OVERRIDES env var on Kogito services containers
  • [KOGITO-5444] - Provide Spring Boot Maven Archetypes with starters
  • [KOGITO-5644] - Create monitoring process quarkus example
  • [KOGITO-5645] - Create monitoring process springboot example
  • [KOGITO-5710] - Add support for Kogito Quarkus runtime native image (Tech-preview)


  • [KOGITO-4470] - ConfigMap required ownerReference as controller
  • [KOGITO-5283] - Kogito Build Fails with Persistence ( The type KogitoProcessInstancesFactoryImpl must implement the inherited abstract method ProtoStreamProcessInstancesFactory.proto())
  • [KOGITO-5320] - Error in protobuf marshalling of Date for MongoDB persistence.
  • [KOGITO-5343] - BPMN project build problem on Windows (no such file: /META-INF/jsonSchema)
  • [KOGITO-5358] - Native Image tests are broken in Infinispan persistence
  • [KOGITO-5359] - Native Image tests are broken in MongoDB persistence
  • [KOGITO-5360] - Native Image tests are broken in PostgreSQL Persistence
  • [KOGITO-5362] - Native Image tests are broken in Kafka persistence
  • [KOGITO-5569] - Data index query limit is not working
  • [KOGITO-5621] - ProcessConfig is being generated despite the project having a single BPMN file
  • [KOGITO-5622] - PredictionConfig is being generated despite the project having a single PMML file
  • [KOGITO-5623] - Serverless Workflow Behave test does not specify CE datatype
  • [KOGITO-5639] - NullPointerException when marshalling a process instance state inside an embedded process
  • [KOGITO-5663] - Improve path handling when Gradle runs the Quarkus extension
  • [KOGITO-5666] - Spring Boot Archetype is failing to add dependencies
  • [KOGITO-5687] - Import 'kogito-types.proto' not found
  • [KOGITO-5688] - Grafana dashboard names should not contain `_` or any non RFC 1123 characters
  • [KOGITO-5716] - Onboarding examples failing because data is returned in different TZ format
  • [KOGITO-5753] - `kogito-travel-agency/extended/visas` and `process-mongodb-persistence-quarkus` native compilation ends are failing
  • [KOGITO-5779] - Images failing due to `kogito-quarkus-archetype` no more existing
  • [KOGITO-5781] - Reduced tag images are no more pushed to
  • [KOGITO-5857] - Correct bats tests for release branch with released version


  • [KOGITO-4698] - BDD tests for Runtime Service with PostgreSQL persistence
  • [KOGITO-4700] - BDD tests for Data Index Service with PostgreSQL persistence


  • [KOGITO-3793] - Review OLM UI spec descriptors
  • [KOGITO-5129] - Investigation for process monitoring dashboard
  • [KOGITO-5267] - Change kogito quickstarts to use Quarkus 2 platform BOM
  • [KOGITO-5268] - Provide additionally to Kogito BOM a contract of 3rd party dependencies for Quarkus platform
  • [KOGITO-5306] - Implement process monitoring dashboard
  • [KOGITO-5401] - Remove Quarkus archetype
  • [KOGITO-5612] - BDD tests: Migrate performance tests to Hyperfoil
  • [KOGITO-5625] - Verify mvn quarkus:create or quarkus create work as expected
  • [KOGITO-5626] - Verify alternative workflow for native image building and deployment (Mandrel)
  • [KOGITO-5673] - BDD tests: Check Kogito Runtime with only Kafka (no persistence)
  • [KOGITO-5685] - BDD tests: RHPAM kogito operator with events for runtimes
  • [KOGITO-5686] - BDD tests: RHPAM kogito operator tested against AMQ Streams
  • [KOGITO-5694] - BDD tests: Increase failure threshold for startup probe
  • [KOGITO-5698] - Restore quarkus registry client in S2I build
  • [KOGITO-5707] - BDD: Deactive management/task console with keycloak tests
  • [KOGITO-5742] - RHPAM operator: BDD: Update to AMQ streams 1.8.x
  • [KOGITO-5762] - BDD: Cleanup crds in testing cluster


  • [KOGITO-1057] - Inject Prometheus event listener using project dependency instead of config bean
  • [KOGITO-5615] - Move every Kogito Quarkus and Spring Boot libraries to their respective BOM
  • [KOGITO-5662] - Upgrade to Quarkus 2.1.1
  • [KOGITO-5667] - Split Quarkus and Spring Boot specific test-utils in different modules
  • [KOGITO-5675] - Rename Kogito prometheus metrics prefix from kie_ to kogito_
  • [KOGITO-5683] - Rename Spring Boot archtype from kogito-springboot-archetype to kogito-spring-boot-archetype
  • [KOGITO-5689] - Add groovy as file extension to check for the header
  • [KOGITO-5693] - Rename Spring Boot archtype from kogito-springboot-bom to kogito-spring-boot-bom
  • [KOGITO-5712] - Review artefacts included in productized profile
  • [KOGITO-5720] - Native runtime image does not need the cacert and
  • [KOGITO-5736] - Update the s2i usage script to show the correct image name

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