Feature Request
- [DBZ-8275] - Support for PostgreSQL 17
- [DBZ-8313] - Extend Debezium Server to include support for application.yaml
- [DBZ-8347] - Support Cassandra 5.0
- [DBZ-7040] - Oracle DDL parsing will fail if the DDL ends with a new line character
- [DBZ-7927] - Missing documentation for MongoDb SSL configuration
- [DBZ-8094] - Conditionalization implemented for single-sourcing MySQL/MariaDB content isn't working as expected
- [DBZ-8194] - Debezium is replaying all events from an older offset
- [DBZ-8271] - Embedded MySqlConnector "Unable to find minimal snapshot lock mode" since 2.5.4.Final
- [DBZ-8277] - Reselect Post Processor not working when pkey of type uuid etc.
- [DBZ-8290] - BinlogStreamingChangeEventSource totalRecordCounter is never updated
- [DBZ-8292] - Restart Oracle connector when ORA-01001 invalid cursor exception is thrown
- [DBZ-8298] - Connector uses incorrect partition names when creating offsets
- [DBZ-8304] - ReselectPostProcessor fails when reselecting columns from Oracle
- [DBZ-8305] - Debezium MySQL DDL parser: SECONDARY_ENGINE=RAPID does not support
- [DBZ-8315] - Oracle DDL failure - subpartition list clause does not support in-memory clause
- [DBZ-8316] - DDL statement couldn't be parsed
- [DBZ-8340] - Binary Log Client doesn't process the TRANSACTION_ PAYLOAD header
- [DBZ-8345] - Oracle connector: archive.log.only.mode stop working after reach SYSDATE SCN
- [DBZ-8174] - Provide example for activity monitoring metrics
- [DBZ-8256] - Write blog post on how detect data mutation patterns with Debezium
- [DBZ-8293] - Formatting characters render literally in docs
- [DBZ-8294] - REST tests fail due to unable to execute cp
- [DBZ-8306] - Create MariaDB systemtests
- [DBZ-8309] - Refactor MySqlTests and MariaDBTests to share the tests via parent base class
- [DBZ-8318] - Document how to work with ServiceLoader and bundled jars
- [DBZ-8326] - Broken system tests for upstream
- [DBZ-8327] - Stop publishing of container images into Docker Hub
- [DBZ-8330] - Upstream system tests are stuck in Retrieving connector metrics
- [DBZ-8331] - Fix upstream JDBC system tests
- [DBZ-8348] - Add version for Cassandra 5 to debezium-build-parent
- [DBZ-8193] - Support batch write to AWS Kinesis
- [DBZ-8314] - SQL Server Documentation for CDC on Server table
- [DBZ-8324] - Add support for MySQL 9.1
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