- [AS7-36] - Support for file system hot deployment of exploded archives
- [AS7-541] - Create JGroups ChannelFactory service
- [AS7-547] - Move Component related processors back to PARSE phase
- [AS7-559] - Use TransactionSynchronizationRegistry instead of TransactionLocalDelegate
- [AS7-562] - Inject Persistence Context into Hibernate session
- [AS7-563] - throw TransactionRequiredException for remove/merge/persist/refresh without a transaction on transactional scope entity manager (JPA 7.9.1)
- [AS7-565] - JPA needs a SFSB lifecycle callback and a SFSB invocation interceptor
- [AS7-567] - Invoked without a tx, transaction scoped entity mananger managed entities should be detached at end of EntityManager call
- [AS7-569] - handle JPA Annotated Classes in the Root of the Persistence Unit
- [AS7-571] - Memory leak in SFSBPCMap
- [AS7-577] - Implement MDB Component type
- [AS7-578] - Implement annotation scanner for @MessageDriven.
- [AS7-587] - Support for ejb-jar.xml
- [AS7-588] - Create schema for jgroups extension
Feature Request
- [AS7-316] - Need the ability to specify the bind address on interface criteria
- [AS7-320] - cli: command history between the sessions
- [AS7-325] - Add support for EAR module initialize in order
- [AS7-327] - Read child resource operation
- [AS7-332] - Provide <add/remove>-system-property operations on server-config and server-group
- [AS7-334] - Make sure the web context is propagated from the application.xml to the web deployments
- [AS7-339] - Update to console 1.0.0.Beta3
- [AS7-347] - Add possibility to start and stop server instances
- [AS7-349] - Serve console from "/console" (w/o index.html)
- [AS7-352] - Provide mapping from jboss.server.temp.dir to jboss.server.tmp.dir
- [AS7-353] - Support "include-runtime" parameter on "read-children-resources" operation
- [AS7-358] - Add URL and Driver class name to "javax.resource.ResourceException: Wrong driver class for this connection URL" message in LocalManagedConnectionFactory
- [AS7-359] - Move to "application/dmr-encoded" protocol
- [AS7-363] - Include version info in LoginScreen
- [AS7-365] - -l switch for ls
- [AS7-366] - Filesystem deployment service should use a different marker file for failed deployments
- [AS7-368] - Copy manifest dependencies in an ear into all sub deployments
- [AS7-171] - Cannot store reference to a stateful session bean in the HTTP session
- [AS7-175] - DomainXml creates invalid operations for deployments
- [AS7-177] - @EJB injection on a field/method in a Servlet/Filter class' superclass doesn't work
- [AS7-178] - Non-annotated local interface detection is not ignoring Serializable/Externalizable
- [AS7-179] - Host model server-config should always have "socket-binding-group-name" and "socket-binding-port-offset" attributes
- [AS7-180] - cli: ignore leading whitespaces in the command string
- [AS7-182] - @Resource injection from web.xml doesn't work
- [AS7-184] - OSGi webapps processed by web subsystem
- [AS7-186] - Issue with org.apache.catalina.connector.Connector
- [AS7-191] - cli: buffer index in the command completer needs correction
- [AS7-193] - Problem with CXF POMs
- [AS7-196] - Nested WAR deployments are not exploded, which the web deployer expects, resulting in missing resources
- [AS7-197] - NullPointerException in ComponentInterceptorAnnotationParsingProcessor.processInterceptorConfigs
- [AS7-200] - Do not remove .dodeploy files that have no matching deployment file
- [AS7-201] - Base64 outputstream not flushed
- [AS7-206] - connection properties are being improperly quoted
- [AS7-207] - H2 Datasource fails in domain mode
- [AS7-208] - Lifecycle methods on interceptor objects not functioning
- [AS7-214] - FilesystemDeploymentService hangs during deploy and doesn't pick any subsequent deployments
- [AS7-219] - SocketBinding xml writer outputting multicast-port as fixed-port
- [AS7-220] - ModelCombiner does not deal with deployments or system properties
- [AS7-222] - Rename module "javax.servlet.jstl" to "javax.servlet.jstl.api" for consistency with other javax APIs
- [AS7-226] - @TransactionAttribute is not processed
- [AS7-228] - Incorrect value for boolean parameter
- [AS7-230] - Improper/possible duplicate module naming for commons-collections
- [AS7-232] - Deployment failure leads to a server hang
- [AS7-233] - Thread subsystem writer outputting queueless-thread-pool name attribute as blocking
- [AS7-234] - Cannot build JBoss AS 7 using OpenJDK
- [AS7-236] - Two modules include "org.osgi:org.osgi.compendium" maven artifact
- [AS7-237] - SocketBinding multicast-address validation fails, since model stores result of InetAddress.toString()
- [AS7-240] - DataSouce schema uses incorrect name for JDBC driver
- [AS7-241] - Launch script does not work on Windows
- [AS7-243] - Invalid cast in SpecifiedInterfaceRemoveHandler
- [AS7-246] - EjbJarDeploymentProcessor will throw a NullPointer if there are no modules defined in an application.xml
- [AS7-247] - Managed bean @Resource injection is premature
- [AS7-252] - Failing rar deployment is not cleaned up
- [AS7-256] - SocketBinding multicast-address being parsed as integer
- [AS7-257] - Cannot deploy JSF application
- [AS7-267] - Multiple "xalan" are present and other JSFUnit problems
- [AS7-268] - SFSB isn't disassociated from a transaction
- [AS7-272] - Make sub deployments class loading isolated from each other by default
- [AS7-273] - Many parts of README.txt in standalone/deployments folder refer to incorrect deploy folder name
- [AS7-276] - Hang in
- [AS7-278] - AS6 ZipException now seen in AS7
- [AS7-282] - Cannot start beta1 server on RHEL6 with OpenJDK 1.6
- [AS7-283] - Incorrect handling of runtime failures in composite operations if rollback is not enabled
- [AS7-287] - Server status not correctly displayed
- [AS7-289] - Undeployment leaks root deployment service
- [AS7-292] - Improper error reporting from the global operation handlers
- [AS7-296] - special characters in node names
- [AS7-299] - The read-resource operation description does not include the "include-runtime" parameter
- [AS7-301] - ClassCastException: cannot be cast to
- [AS7-302] - Module rename "org.hibernate.hibernate" -> "org.hibernate"
- [AS7-382] - Add missing standalone shutdown operation
- [AS7-384] - support --help argument for the commands
- [AS7-386] - Fill in missing domain model resource descriptions
- [AS7-394] - Register JSF ELResolvers with JSP
- [AS7-398] - Rename module "junit.junit" to "org.junit"
- [AS7-410] - Fill in DescriptionProviders for deployment-scanner subsystem
- [AS7-411] - Cleanup @AccessTimeout processing
- [AS7-413] - Rename "jboss-structure.xml" to "jboss-deployment-structure.xml"
- [AS7-417] - ServerDeploymentManager deployment plans should rollback by default
- [AS7-422] - Create a service for each resource adapter
- [AS7-426] - Deployment via a deployment plan
- [AS7-427] - Upgrade jboss-dmr to 1.0.0.Beta5
- [AS7-432] - Integration test for web security BASIC authentication
- [AS7-433] - ArjunaTransactionManagerService should be splitted
- [AS7-445] - Support for auto-deployment by the deployment scanner
- [AS7-446] - Clean up stale/unused XSD and XML files
- [AS7-452] - Implement vendor-specific global JNDI context
- [AS7-455] - MDB Support
- [AS7-456] - Rename module "wsdl4j.wsdl4j" to "javax.wsdl.api"
- [AS7-460] - Move java:/jaas into appserver-wide global context.
- [AS7-463] - move connector's binding to BinderService and create services for CFs and AOs
- [AS7-468] - Rename module "antlr.altlr" to "org.antlr"
- [AS7-469] - Delete data/system-content and domain/system-content
- [AS7-471] - Port connector subsystems to IronJacamar Beta5
- [AS7-479] - Deployment via the CLI
- [AS7-481] - JBossWeb - Disable modeler MBeans by default
- [AS7-482] - Need shared TLD's for JSTL and JSF
- [AS7-487] - cli: end completed property with '=' and completed property list with ')'
- [AS7-498] - Merge managedbeans subsystem into ee subsystem
- [AS7-499] - ls command
- [AS7-503] - cli: switch to state machine based parsing for the whole operation request
- [AS7-507] - cli: reflect the connection status in the prompt
- [AS7-509] - assume './' for cd argument
- [AS7-512] - Use the SubjectFactoryService in connector's services
- [AS7-513] - cli: executing 'connect' while connected
- [AS7-516] - Rename module "cglib.cglib" to "net.sf.cglib"
- [AS7-519] - host and port as command line arguments for launching script
- [AS7-521] - display the last part of the node path in the prompt and add pwn
- [AS7-523] - Rename module "dom4j.dom4j" to "org.dom4j"
- [AS7-526] - Rename module "jline.jline" to just "jline"
Component Upgrade
- [AS7-305] - Upgrade to JBossWS-CXF 4.0.0.Alpha3
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