Feature Request
- [WELD-2450] - Make it possible to register additional BeanArchiveHandler using ServiceLoader
- [WELD-2451] - Some of org.jboss.weld.environment.se.Weld fields should be probably protected
- [WELD-2443] - Weld fails to invoke an observer method with a private access
- [WELD-2447] - Client proxy serialization support should be container agnostic
- [WELD-2448] - NPE when org.jboss.weld.construction.relaxed=true set in weld.properties
- [WELD-2458] - OSGi - import javax.ejb optionally
- [WELD-2464] - ProtectionDomainCache throws NPE if ProtectionDomain.getPermissions() returns null
- [WELD-2466] - Unproxyable bean type check in BeanManager.getInjectableReference(InjectionPoint, CreationalContext<?>) is too strict
- [WELD-2470] - NPE Abortion - CDI-Bean / Inheritance / Generics / Interceptor
- [WELD-2455] - InterceptionModel - optimize internal structures
- [WELD-2459] - Ignore module-info during discovery
- [WELD-2462] - Migrate from findbugs to spotbugs
- [WELD-2453] - Lost cause in DeploymentException
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