Release Notes - Infinispan - Version 14.0.0.CR2 - HTML format


  • [ISPN-13516] - Bulk operations do not work properly with embedded key sql store
  • [ISPN-13840] - Statistics are not shown for local,replicated, scattered, invalidation caches
  • [ISPN-13916] - Pagination in Protobuf schemas display page doesn't work properly
  • [ISPN-13925] - NullPointerException requesting transactions for state transfer when shut down
  • [ISPN-13997] - Configuring memory max-size as non-byte value causes failure on CacheManager restart
  • [ISPN-14050] - Create test for TLS in transport
  • [ISPN-14063] - RESP Endpoint throws NPE with no authentication
  • [ISPN-14064] - RESP server should implement COMMAND command
  • [ISPN-14066] - RESP server hangs if incr/decr is called on a non integer value
  • [ISPN-14071] - Start defined caches in a determinstic order
  • [ISPN-14075] - YamlConfigurationReader throws NPE for valid cache configuration
  • [ISPN-14077] - Validate configurations when creating via REST API
  • [ISPN-14079] - Jakarta dependencies depend on non-jakarta ones
  • [ISPN-14084] - MergePolicyCustomTest - Inbound transfer was cancelled
  • [ISPN-14104] - SoftIndexFileStore - Compactor.compactSingleFile - NPE
  • [ISPN-14108] - StoreMigrator throws NPE with JDBC source store
  • [ISPN-14114] - Enabling TLS 1.3 is impossible
  • [ISPN-14115] - Potential deadlock in index writer threads under heavy load
  • [ISPN-14126] - transaction-manager-lookup comparison fails on cluster restart
  • [ISPN-14128] - Stats throw UnsupportedOperationException with EXCEPTION eviction
  • [ISPN-14146] - Exclude HdrHistogram from LatencyUtils
  • [ISPN-14150] - Infinispan CLI should have a hard dependency on Elytron Password Impl
  • [ISPN-14151] - Create an auth handler for RESP


  • [ISPN-14149] - Set maven-deploy-plugin version to 3.0.0

Component Upgrade


  • [ISPN-13648] - Schema evolution with respect to indices without downtime
  • [ISPN-13737] - Ensure Infinispan installs and runs in a FIPS enabled system
  • [ISPN-14031] - Create a logger category for container tests
  • [ISPN-14036] - Server restart if a cache with SQL store is configured with a schema but the schema is missing
  • [ISPN-14056] - Increase default frag and bundle size
  • [ISPN-14102] - JVM GC Logs never set on the server
  • [ISPN-14103] - Configure key/trust store provider in client
  • [ISPN-14116] - Create @TestForIssue annotation for the project
  • [ISPN-14141] - FD_ALL3: use default timeout

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