Feature Request
- [RESTEASY-1952] - Allow to set proxy via JAX-RS API
- [RESTEASY-2204] - Spring Reactor RxInvoker
- [RESTEASY-2254] - Microprofile REST Client 1.2 implementation
- [RESTEASY-2257] - Microprofile REST Client 1.3 implementation
- [RESTEASY-2259] - MP Rest Client 1.3 - configKey support
- [RESTEASY-2260] - MP Rest Client 1.3 - default mediatype json
- [RESTEASY-2261] - MP Rest Client 1.3 - proxies should be Closeable
- [RESTEASY-2263] - MP Rest Client 1.3 - Fix remaining TCK failures.
- [RESTEASY-2271] - AsyncClientHttpEngine for Reactor Netty Http Client
- [RESTEASY-1015] - ResteasyCdiExtension is adding CDI scopes to classes that should not be CDI beans
- [RESTEASY-1432] - Interface with generic type does not work with client proxy
- [RESTEASY-1958] - Reconnect delay override using last received 'retry' field value should not be a one time override.
- [RESTEASY-2127] - multipart/related XOP messages unable to find @Context Providers
- [RESTEASY-2172] - Rest Client fails to convert a single boolean value
- [RESTEASY-2176] - Client-side SSL - HostnameVerificationPolicy.STRICT shouldn't accept wildcard certificates
- [RESTEASY-2222] - ParamConverter don't work for primitive types
- [RESTEASY-2230] - Determine why NettyTests fail with proposed change to ResteasyCdiExtension
- [RESTEASY-2246] - Dynamic features should be resolved once for each resource method
- [RESTEASY-2266] - Resources accessed under second ApplicationPath returns 404
- [RESTEASY-2268] - ResteasyHttpHeaders.getRequestHeaders() and ResteasyHttpHeaders.getRequestHeader() must return not modifiable collection
- [RESTEASY-2159] - Review multipart provider documentation
- [RESTEASY-2165] - Add Json Merge Patch support
- [RESTEASY-2214] - Add a flag to turn off ERROR logging of unknown exceptions
- [RESTEASY-2216] - Client basic auth test with ClientRequestFilter
- [RESTEASY-2242] - Add doc for client configuring ssl
- [RESTEASY-2251] - Test for DynamicFeature
- [RESTEASY-2253] - Add "Undertow Embedded Spring Container" section to the documentation
- [RESTEASY-2267] - Update Microprofile REST Client documentation
- [RESTEASY-2272] - Use Apache-2.0 licensed version of the JCIP annotations
Component Upgrade
- [RESTEASY-2262] - Upgrade Jackson2 to 2.9.9
- [RESTEASY-2278] - Upgrade Undertow to 2.0.21.Final
- [RESTEASY-2196] - CompletionStageRxInvokerImpl should not block on a thread
- [RESTEASY-2227] - Validate fields/properties after calling @PostConstruct annotated method, if one exists
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