- [JBTM-3461] - Update the SRA module to use quarkus instead of thorntail.
- [JBTM-3472] - Produce a jakarta artifact for narayana-jta
Feature Request
- [JBTM-3471] - Produce jakarta artifact for jboss-transaction-spi
- [JBTM-3458] - Enable checkstyle for REST-AT Narayana module
- [JBTM-3468] - Transaction reaper may stuck on filling log with millions of 'check processing' messages
- [JBTM-3474] - LRA filters log an invalid warning about missing CDI
- [JBTM-3475] - CI fails because of BanTransitiveDependencies
- [JBTM-3476] - Maven Checkstyle plugin fails because of dependency
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