Release Notes - jBPM - Version 7.21.0.Final - HTML format

Feature Request

  • [JBPM-8116] - It is not possible to see SLA violations in business central UI
  • [JBPM-8347] - jBPM Prometheus metrics
  • [JBPM-8399] - Add new configuration flag that will show a complete error stacktrace of the error returned by kie server in the console
  • [JBPM-8404] - Marshalling and Unmarshalling of Documents (the Document wrapper) is broken when using JAXB or JSON



  • [JBPM-8077] - When a case goes straight through from start to end, casefile data is not persisted in the logs.
  • [JBPM-8337] - WebSocket connection is closed based on web session timeout
  • [JBPM-8413] - SpringRegisterableItemsFactory.processHandlers() should be synchronized
  • [JBPM-8415] - Create Cors filters for springboot and quarkus kaas archetypes
  • [JBPM-8417] - Add Insert/Update/Delete query capability to ExecuteSqlWorkItemHandler
  • [JBPM-8422] - Generate React client app for kaas jhipster generator
  • [JBPM-8453] - Atlassian repo no longer contains jira artifacts we need

Quality Risk

  • [JBPM-8171] - Stunner - documentation tab missing tests


  • [JBPM-8150] - Allow users to change Kie server id in Deployment config and templates

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