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Please update CRW 1.2 / OSD 4 Instructions to reference needed namespace - RHDEVDOCS-1320
Check links, etc. in the published CRW 1.2.2 docs - RHDEVDOCS-1319
Please clarify documentation about uninstallation of CRW - RHDEVDOCS-1307
Deploy script edit for CRW 1.2.2 - RHDEVDOCS-1306
Update the RNs for CRW 1.2.2 - RHDEVDOCS-1264
Clarify CRW 1.2 AG to call out use of OperatorHub for deployment/update (not deploy.sh) - RHDEVDOCS-1249
Fix/update CRW admin guide re: using Che 7 inside CRW 1.2 - RHDEVDOCS-1248
Improve doc re: non-persistent changes to the che ConfigMap (and why this is intentional behaviour) - RHDEVDOCS-1214
Backport additional documentation about the PVC strategies to CRW 1.2 docs - RHDEVDOCS-1169
Fix OAuth naming in the CRW Admin Guide - RHDEVDOCS-1130
Naked URLs in CRW AG - RHDEVDOCS-1126
CRW 1.0.0.Beta1 in hero spot when searching for Workspaces - RHDEVDOCS-1104
Please document odd requirement for 2 versions of non-proxy hosts - RHDEVDOCS-1094
remove "for OpenShift" suffix in Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces for OpenShift product name
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