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- PTL-8087
RH436-125: RHEL 7.3+ made significant changes to quorum management - PTL-8073
RH436-111: integrate tmux into workstation image - PTL-8070
RH436-26: include syntax for an update with pcs - PTL-8060
RH436-127: Cluster nodes supported will change in late RHEL 7 / RHEL 8 - PTL-8040
RH436-126: Significant multipath changes since RHEL 7.1 in RHEL 7 - PTL-8032
RH436-37: node does not get fenced always - PTL-8015
RH436-79: Chapter 13 "lab hacluster grade" script always fails auto_tie_breaker check - PTL-7985
RH436-85: Guided Exercise ch06s04 scripts are not working - PTL-7982
RH436-31: lab <problem> setup taking time which could hinder the delivery - PTL-7974
RH436-89: Setup scripts rebuild cluster. Again. And again. And again. And again. - PTL-7940
RH436-110: Removing high-availability service does not result in fencing
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