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- JBWS-1535
Decide what BPEL version is supported in AS42 - JBWS-1533
Modify JBossAS 4.2 build to extract scripts - JBWS-1532
Create JAX-WS Holder test case - JBWS-1529
Invalid prefix on imported WSDL files - JBWS-1527
Investigate EJB21 WS TCK Failures - JBWS-1525
Fix complex jsr181 test - JBWS-1517
Resolve dependency on juddi-service.sar - JBWS-1514
Soap Messages should not have system properties relaced - JBWS-1508
JBossWS Tools - JBWS-1507
XML Registries - JBWS-1506
Resolve dependency on snapshots - JBWS-1503
Support XOP samples in tomcat - JBWS-1501
wsimport RI fails when processing parameterOrder on one-way operations - JBWS-1500
Improve etc/jboss.sh to reliably start/shutdown server instances - JBWS-1497
Fix failed resource lookup when offline - JBWS-1496
Fix BPEL samples - JBWS-1487
Provide a samples download - JBWS-1476
Provide a Quick Start
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