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- CDI-171
Please enter in summary of changes from 1.0 to CDI specification 1.1 - CDI-159
overly strict final check on proxyable methods - CDI-153
PassivationCapable producer method/field definition is ambiguous - CDI-145
allow @Disposes methods also for producer fields - CDI-140
improve passivation capable bean validation for @Dependent scoped beans in 6.6.4 - CDI-135
Request parameter for terminating cid propagation - CDI-134
Typo in section 3.12. - CDI-131
Correct the signature of Interceptor.intercept() in the API - CDI-118
Standardize deployment-related exception classes - CDI-116
Add programmatic API to manipulate XML metadata - CDI-115
Interceptor.intercept() must throw exceptions - CDI-111
ValidationFactory -> ValidatorFactory - CDI-105
Provide a means for portable extensions to access beans.xml files - CDI-102
Support Injection of Servlet Contexts - CDI-98
Ability to wrap the InjectionPoint - CDI-97
Ability to process modules - CDI-96
Ability to override attributes of a Bean - CDI-95
Ability to obtain a container-created bean for a Producer or InjectionTarget or for an AnnotatedType - CDI-94
Producer field initializers - CDI-92
Allow injection of Bean object for a bean
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