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Increase DataGrid 7.3 image tag version to 1.4 in OpenShift templatesRHDM-1217
Negation (!) doesnot work with In operator.RHDM-1199
Deficient Rows warning shows when Decision Table references items in a listRHDM-1171
Employee Rostering: Unavailability type difficult to spot on edit dialogRHDM-1145
[DMN Designer] Java Date field is not converted to DMN date typeRHDM-1144
[DMN Designer] List Java field is not converted to DMN collectionRHDM-1149
[DMN Designer] Unsaved changes detected regardless the actual changeRHDM-814
KIE Server REST Command GetObjects with ObjectFilter not workingRHDM-1198
Change use date settings don't be persisted on Test Scenario LegacyRHDM-1194
in evaluators for type Double does not work with executable modelRHDM-1023
Contains can not be used for String with the Expression editorRHDM-1210
[GSS](7.z) A Spreadsheet decision tables does not convert to a DRL file correctly when a Function is being used in the RuleTable constraintsRHDM-1204
Show all option of the Latest Version stop work after a restoreRHDM-1272
Optaweb Employee Rostering: backend module cannot execute testsRHDM-1206
Memory leak in PrometheusKieServerExtensionRHDM-1205
Deploying components is not reported in metricsRHDM-1200
After upgrade from 7.4.1 to 7.5.0 projects created in previous version is not showedRHDM-1195
Accumulate: min with BigDecimal doesn't work as expected when drools.propertySpecific=ALLOWEDRHDM-1215
NullPointerException with executable model using accumulate max with null Date fieldRHDM-1240
Build RHDM 7.7.0 Images
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