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- DBZ-2567
Prepare revised SMT docs (filter and content-based routing) for downstream - DBZ-2564
Doc format updates for better downstream rendering - DBZ-2501
Unify representation of events - part two - update other connector doc - DBZ-2500
Doc tweaks required to automatically build Db2 content in downstream user guide - DBZ-2402
Update some doc file names - DBZ-2403
Prepare DB2 connector doc for TP - DBZ-2226
Unify representation of events in the documentation - DBZ-2236
Show custom images instead of S2I in docs - DBZ-2577
Swap closing square bracket for curly brace in downstream title annotations - DBZ-2272
Coordinate docs work for downstream 1.2 release - DBZ-2399
Miscellaneous small doc updates for the 1.2 release - DBZ-2627
Certify with AMQ Streams 1.6 and Service Registry 1.1
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