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- HMS-4689
Automatic content snapshotting - HMS-4684
Create interface for importing on-prem blueprints - HMS-4683
Parse Blueprint structure from On prem blueprints - HMS-4679
Rename "Sources" to "Integrations" in the wizard - HMS-4676
Unable to start secure instance while trying to build an image through the Red Hat image builder. - HMS-4667
Rethink, discuss and implement Blueprint Subscription import for no Subscription - HMS-4658
Tests cleanup - HMS-4613
Promote image builder instead of edge on the landing site of consoledot. - HMS-4612
Add CA bundle into images trust store - HMS-4607
Text description while creating/editing blueprint can be misleading. - HMS-4604
Implement blueprints TOML import - HMS-4598
CA bundle support in image builder - HMS-4597
Satellite Registration in Image Builder - HMS-4590
UX design of Image builder supports registration through Satellite - HMS-4589
Optional section in Wizard - HMS-4588
Image builder supports registration through Satellite - HMS-4577
Blueprint unique name validation fails when name typed fast - HMS-4568
Research AAP callback authentication - HMS-4567
Image builder service support for AAP provisioning callbacks - HMS-4564
Image builder supports openSCAP compliance policies
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