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- CRW-3532Adding a git project source to devfile leads to clone error
- CRW-3522Removing Devspaces operator from web console leaves items behind
- CRW-3456[RN] Editor selection menu on sample cards in the dashboards
- CRW-3455[RN] Removed devfile samples in 3.2
- CRW-3454[Bug Fix] OCP admin user fails to deploy application to openshift from DS workspace
- CRW-3422Airgap installation of DS 3.2.0 failed on devfile-registry deployment because of missing RELATED_IMAGE env vars in operator-bundle
- CRW-3417BitBucket repo does not work with factory link
- CRW-3415"dsc server:deploy" command didn't respect "perUserStrategyPvcConfig > claimSize" property in "--che-operator-cr-patch-yaml" parameter
- CRW-3410[RN] Updated Universal Developer Image (UDI)
- CRW-3406Restrict publishing DS 3.2 to only OCP 4.10 and 4.11 indexes
- CRW-3393[RN] the default namespace is selected automatically when you run the deploy command included with the sample devfile projects
- CRW-3379Image puller operator kube-rbac-proxy should not be pulled from gcr.io
- CRW-3370pylint executable not found in path on udi image / CVP test failing (python 3.9 update)
- CRW-3352[RN] Support OAuth flow for GitHub Enterprise Server
- CRW-3349Faster workspace startup as a result of avoiding changes to DevWorkspace CR after it has started
- CRW-3348Flexy-install/destroy pipelines are failing because of inaccessible http://git.host.prod.eng.bos.redhat.com/git/openshift-misc.git/
- CRW-3345[RN] Dependency plug-in update to 0.3.6
- CRW-3343Use file-based catalog when deploy DWO and Dev Spaces to disconnected OCP 4.11
- CRW-3342Please provide Dev Spaces equivalents for dropped CheCustomProperties
- CRW-3340Different namespace recommended for Operator installion in the OperatorHub UI in the OpenShift web console
1 of 92
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