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- CRW-7241Failure in periodic-ci-redhat-developer-devspaces-interop-tests-main-devspaces-ocp4.15-lp-rosa-hypershift-devspaces-aws-rosa-hypershift - 09-19-2024
- CRW-7222Pre-release testing DWO 0.30.2
- CRW-7208Fails to install Dev Spaces using dsc version 3.15 while waiting for the Dev Workspace operator to be ready
- CRW-7200Unable to install Dev Workspace Operator on IBM Power on 4.16 cluster
- CRW-7199Use version(s) of registry.redhat.io/openshift4/ose-kube-rbac-proxy to support x86, s390x & PPC on OCP 4.12 - 4.16
- CRW-7198Release DevWorkspace Operator v0.30.1
- CRW-7182Devspaces fails to use .devfile.yaml file from a repository in Hosted Gitlab Server
- CRW-7173Failure in periodic-ci-redhat-developer-devspaces-interop-tests-main-devspaces-ocp4.15-lp-rosa-hypershift-devspaces-aws-rosa-hypershift - 08-29-2024
- CRW-7172kube-rbac-proxy container image is not getting pulled on DevWorkspace0.30 version
- CRW-7171Failure in periodic-ci-redhat-developer-devspaces-interop-tests-main-devspaces-ocp4.16-lp-rosa-hypershift-devspaces-aws-rosa-hypershift - 08-29-2024
- CRW-7164Release DevWorkspace Operator v0.30
- CRW-7153[RN] SSH key added by pasting the key strings in the dashboard is invalid
- CRW-7152[RN] Deprecate and archive che-devfile-registry
- CRW-7137[RN] Workspace start page goes to cyclic reload if refresh token mode is applied
- CRW-7134[RN] Branch detection for Azure does not work on the User Dashboard
- CRW-7133[RN] Starting a new workspace with a clone of the specified branch doesn't work correctly if the repository has no`devfile.yaml`
- CRW-7132[RN] Workspace status flickering during startup
- CRW-7131[RN] User-provided environment variables can't reference $PROJECT_ROOT or $PROJECT_SOURCE
- CRW-7130[RN] Inconsistency in the behaviour of the $PATH environment variable within Devfile
- CRW-7129[RN] Add DisableInitContainer field in the Custom Resource
1 of 58
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