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  1. XNIO
  2. XNIO-213

NioTcpChannel sporadically returns null in getPeerAddress although connected


      After updating to 3.0.8.GA (from 3.0.3.GA) i experience ConnectedStreamChannels that claim to be connected but return 'null' for the peer address, when starting a few thousand short lived connections on 100 threads in parallel with code like:

      Thread 1:
      IoFuture<ConnectedStreamChannel> futureChannel = worker.connectStream(targetAddress,null, CHANNEL_OPTIONS);
      --> Now hand futureChannel to thread 2.

      Thread 2:
      Status status = futureChannel.await(10, TimeUnit.SECCONDS);
      switch (status)
      case DONE:
      SocketAddress sa = futureChannel.get().getPeerAddress();

      --> about between 1 and 3 in 1000 channels returns 'null' here.

      It did certainly not happen with 3.0.3.GA where I could create several 100000 connections with >100 threads in parallel an never once had this effect.

            dlloyd@redhat.com David Lloyd
            steffenwollscheid Steffen Wollscheid (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
