• Icon: Outcome Outcome
    • Resolution: Unresolved
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    • 21% 21%

      BU Priority Overview

      OpenShift Cluster Manager (OCM) and other Red Hat cloud services today are run out of the US in the AWS us-east-1 region and all cluster and customer metadata is stored in this environment. This results in multiple issues from an operational and data sovereignty perspective.

      • The current OCM environment is not highly available and when it goes down, all our global customers lose their ability to view and manage their OpenShift clusters through our service.
      • Customers with clusters in non-AWS environments find it surprising when they lose their ability to configure or reshape their clusters if an AWS service disruption hits the us-east-1 region.
      • Customers outside the US that have strict data residency requirements to adhere to policy or compliance with certifications are unable to use managed OpenShift services since the cluster metadata is stored outside of their region.
      • Customers in different geographies must connect to our centralized service in the US, adding to the latency for their operations.
      • All other cloud service providers already have a regionally distributed service and Red Hat is alone with its centralized architecture for our cloud services.


      State the goals and metrics for success. This should not be a list of related features but instead be the acceptance criteria for considering this BU Priority delivered and any specific metrics needed to demonstrate its impact.

      State of the Business

      Inform the reader of the current state of the business in detail. Include details about the opportunity and impact of delivering against this BU Priority, which may come from the linked 6-pager. Link to other material as appropriate.

      Execution Plans

      Lay out the plan for how to execute against the BU Priority to meet the previously stated goals. Optionally include criteria for abandonment.

            rhn-engineering-abhgupta Abhishek Gupta
            jbrent@redhat.com Jeffrey Brent (Inactive)
            Andrew Cathrow Andrew Cathrow
            0 Vote for this issue
            12 Start watching this issue
