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  1. OpenShift Workloads
  2. WRKLDS-656

Find options for customization of PodDisruptionBudgetAtLimit alert


    • Workloads Sprint 231, Workloads Sprint 232

      KubeVirt uses PDBs in a specific way that trigger this alert and would like it to be modified to ignore KubeVirt workloads: https://github.com/openshift/cluster-kube-controller-manager-operator/pull/583

      We should come up with a mechanism for modifying or silencing this alert that would satisfy all requirements.

      • it should be not modifiable by any other user to prevent deadlocked clusters, whose nodes cannot be drained
      • it should be optional since Virtualization stack is not shipped by default
      • it should allow similar future use cases


      slack: https://redhat-internal.slack.com/archives/CKJR6200N/p1662626079232909

              fkrepins@redhat.com Filip Krepinsky
              fkrepins@redhat.com Filip Krepinsky
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