With introduction of `replaces` field in our optional operator CSV files we lost ability to release patch releases outside of their primary bundle index images. E.g. when osso 1.2.z gets released the corresponding 4.14 and 4.15 iib gets updated to point the iib head to the latest 1.2.z release. However, given 1.3.z release sets the `replaces` to the previous 1.3.z release, any other 1.2.z path release released after 1.3.0 will not get added to 4.16/4.17 iib since it is no longer reachable from the 4.16/4.17's head.
CVP discussion: https://chat.google.com/room/AAAAZrx3KlI/wTItAeJ-dCM
- set replace to a previous minor version
- utilize skips field to skip all previous patch releases and previous minor version's patch releases
E.g. for 1.3.z
replaces: secondaryscheduleroperator.v1.2.0
# buffering up to 6 1.2.z releases to allow to include these in all supported bundle index images
# The buffer len 6 should be sufficient for normal cadance. Including CVE releases.
# The buffer can be extened later as needed.
- secondaryscheduleroperator.v1.2.1
- secondaryscheduleroperator.v1.2.2
- secondaryscheduleroperator.v1.2.3
- secondaryscheduleroperator.v1.2.4
- secondaryscheduleroperator.v1.2.5
- secondaryscheduleroperator.v1.2.6
- secondaryscheduleroperator.v1.3.0